Cineworld Cinema - The O2 Greenwich

Uploaded By

Tiny Zappomatic

Featured Theater

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Photo Info

Taken on: January 30, 2020

Uploaded on: January 30, 2020

Exposure: 1/5 sec, f/1.8, ISO 100

Camera: Apple iPhone 7

Software: 13.3

GPS: 51° 30' 13" N, 0° 0' 14" W Staticmap?center=51

Size: 2.3 MB

Views: 1,656

Full EXIF: View all

F number: 9/5

Aperture value: 54823/32325

GPS speed: 0

GPS latitude: 5130334/25

GPS dest bearing: 311054/1199

Date time original: Thu Jan 30 18:22:17 +0000 2020

Pixel Y dimension: 3024

Tile width: 512

Y resolution: 72

Resolution unit: 2

Subsec time orginal: 758

Brightness value: -76264/51375

Exposure program: 2

Flash: 24

Focal length in 35mm film: 28

GPS longitude ref: E

Date time digitized: Thu Jan 30 18:22:17 +0000 2020

Focal length: 399/100

Tile length: 512

Scene capture type: 0

Exposure bias value: 0

Subsec time digitized: 758

GPS longitude: 001439/100

Subject area: 2015151122171330

Software: 13.3

ISO speed ratings: 100

GPS altitude ref:


Cineworld Cinema - The O2 Greenwich

Screen 12, taken from row J. A large, flat aspect ratio screen with a noticeable curve to it.

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Comments (2)

terrywade commented about Cineworld Cinema - The O2 Greenwich on Jan 30, 2020 at 5:36 pm

Cineworld will never wake up and show the large flat screen to their lighting people so they can watch all the red lights leaking on the screen. Thanks Zapp for the photo.

Zappomatic commented about Cineworld Cinema - The O2 Greenwich on Feb 17, 2020 at 9:40 am

The red lights do of course extinguish one the ads finish. Also the ceiling lighting seemed to be sensibility programmed, with the majority of lights (including those closest to the screen) switching off entirely once the feature started. A far cry from the mistake made with the lights when screens 1 to 5 were first refurbished, which were way too bright and produced significant glare – thankfully now rectified.

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