Comments from zanelumelsky

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zanelumelsky commented about Off The Wall Cinema on Apr 8, 2014 at 5:04 pm

Have been searching for “I Need a Head” but to no avail. Researcher at Library of Congress is currently trying for me. Also, there were more great films that I saw at OTW that I’d like to know about a view again. Can I talk with you directly. How?

zanelumelsky commented about Off The Wall Cinema on Mar 27, 2014 at 1:48 pm

A question for Michael Nicholson: I saw a short claymation film at OTW in the 1970s that I’m trying to get the name of. The subject was a grunting, ogre-like character with only a head and torso on a table who mistakenly cuts off his own head, squeezes his shoulders, then pops out a new, but smaller head. Does that film ring a bell with you? Zane Lumelsky