Comments from xtsubarublazin

Showing 2 comments

xtsubarublazin commented about Cooper Theatre on Jun 13, 2005 at 7:11 pm

There was a Cooper 7 south of Columbine High School, near Coal MIne and Pierce. It has since been converted to a church but if anyone wants to drive over there, the circular roof is still visible, but it’s blue now.

xtsubarublazin commented about Cinderella City Cinema on Nov 28, 2004 at 10:14 am

Back in the day, there were two major theaters around the Cinderella City mall area.

One was the set of theaters located at the Southwest end of the mall. These theaters were demolished in 1979 and later replaced with the May D&F building (which soon became Foleys) and which is now the only remaining mall building on the premises, reborn as the Englewood Library and offices.

The second set of theaters was the Cinderella Twin Drive-In theaters. These still stand only two blocks west of the old mall area, right across Santa Fe Avenue (US 85). The theaters are currently closed for the season, but no one thinks they’ll actually re-open next summer. Rumor is that a large construction firm bought the land and will demolish the drive-in and replace it with condominiums.