Comments from xrilander

Showing 3 comments

xrilander commented about Lincoln Mall Cinemas on Sep 23, 2023 at 2:24 am

$2 movies late 70s. Me and my buddy would ride bikes six miles from our homes, then purchase PG tickets. Wed then sneak into an R rated one! The most memorable for us 13 and 14 year old's, Midnight Express! (you know the scene Im talking about)

xrilander commented about Lonsdale Twin Drive-In on Sep 23, 2023 at 2:14 am

She closed around 1985, so glad to have seen many movies there. I also remember it being flooded, and closed, numerous times.

xrilander commented about Quaker Drive-In on Sep 23, 2023 at 1:56 am

I lived just over the border in N Smithfield, RI, and once I got my license, went quite often. This was from the early to late 80s. They still had the original car mount speakers. We were fortunate to have so many operational drive-ins at such a late date. Bellingham, Milford (now Mendon), Lonsdale, and Rustic (x-rated at the time), were all within a half hour drive. The Rustic and Mendon are still open to this day!