Comments from xdouggx

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xdouggx commented about Cine Capri Theatre on Aug 21, 2005 at 7:07 pm

Who remembers seeing COMIN' AT YA (in 3-D) at the Cine Capri? When they light the fuse – you’re holding the dynamite. Man, that movie SUCKED – but we went a bunch of times because the 3-D was so entertaining. It was the first of the 1980’s 3-D revival movies…

xdouggx commented about Bethany Theatre on Aug 21, 2005 at 6:53 pm

Wow – I’m shocked to see people talking about SENSURROUND (from when Earthquake played there) having damaged the Bethany! I always thought I had sort of made that urban legend up in my own mind! I saw EARTHQUAKE only a few days (or maybe even the first night) it opened – the theatre was sold out, we were in the front row as a result, and it was L-O-U-D. As I recall, they had torn out a row or two of seats at the back of the auditorium to place the truly impressive row of speakers – we were a bit freaked out when we first walked in and saw them. No joke, the floor was really vibrating, so were the seats, and after 15 or so minutes of fairly well done (for the 70s) earthquake footage, we were pretty rattled ourselves. A few weeks later, the theatre closed for repairs (of some sort – that’s when the rumour started that they had damaged the building’s foundation), and it was closed for at least a week – I think longer. I’m pretty sure they re-opened with Earthquake and ran it a bit longer. I had heard then that it was no longer being played nearly as loud. Years later, probably in 1984 or so, I stopped by and found the front door open (it had been closed for a couple of years with the TEMPORARILY CLOSED letters on the marque already falling off). I found a guy in the dark, QUIET auditorium who said he had bought (or was trying to buy) the theatre and re-open it to show retro movies and sell BOOZE! He was trying to get a liquor license at the time (he had the sign in the window, I think), and I made it clear that if he did re-open it, I wanted to work there. I really liked that theatre as a kid – saw tons of movies there (Bad News Bears in Breaking Training, Rooster Cogburn & the Lady to name a couple) and I thought his idea was really cool (being a fan of the Sombrero and all). Never heard from him again – theatre never re-opened, but I’ve been to that type of theatre in Colorado Springs since then…