There is some misinformation floating around about what business is now in the former Marlo Theater. The correct address is 1025 East (odd numbers on the north side of the street) 2100 South. It’s east a few doors of the current Chipotle and is currently, as of September, 2017, occupied by Blick Art Materials.
The Google map is showing the wrong address coordinates. These are two completely different address locations, not close at all. The Oak Hills was in the foothill area of the east bench in Salt Lake. The other address is south of downtown Sugar House.
There is some misinformation floating around about what business is now in the former Marlo Theater. The correct address is 1025 East (odd numbers on the north side of the street) 2100 South. It’s east a few doors of the current Chipotle and is currently, as of September, 2017, occupied by Blick Art Materials.
What a piece of irony that the above photo shows a hearse headed toward our deceased theatre. Makes the demise of the Villa that much sadder.
The Google map is showing the wrong address coordinates. These are two completely different address locations, not close at all. The Oak Hills was in the foothill area of the east bench in Salt Lake. The other address is south of downtown Sugar House.
correct: 2775 East 1000 South
incorrect: 2818 South 1000 East