Comments from WPGUY

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WPGUY commented about Point Theatre on Jul 5, 2024 at 6:43 am

In January 1967 an arsonist and member of the Whitney Point Fire Dept. burned the fire station to ruin along with the upstairs' movie theater. Both buildings used for movies in Whitney Point are gone. The theater built along the east side of Rogers House was a long skinny building that was later used for indoor mini-golf. In a bad flood of 1935 that structure was ruined and demolished. The Rogers House hotel was demolished in 1962 as a decaying structure.

WPGUY commented about Tyler Theater on Jan 18, 2023 at 8:12 pm

The movie addition on the east side of Roger’s House was afterwards used as a miniture golf course and shortly after the 1935 flood was torn down. Roger’s House was run down and abandoned in its final years. It was condemned, demolished and debris burned by the fire company in July 1962. The movie house was never a great success.

The Point theatre over the old fire station had good years and bad. The old fire station was burned by arson on 1/17/1967.

WPGUY commented about Point Theatre on Jan 18, 2023 at 7:46 pm

Rogers House was vacant for many years before it was condemned and demolished in July 1962. The addition that housed movies was torn down some time shortly after the 1935 flood. It was used as a miniure golf course before the flood.

WPGUY commented about Tyler Theater on Jul 9, 2022 at 4:44 am

Andrew Tyler bought Rogers House which was originally built as a big hotel that sat on the corner of Main and Railroad Street where the Advance Graphic is now (was old NAPA site.) in 1919. He left his farm on Cherry Hill Road and used the old hotel to run his insurance and real estate business. He built an addition on the east side to make an opera house. He leased the opera room to a guy named Gillette. Gillette with his brother managed the movies business with decent success. As movies were silent in the early days, they bought a super expensive $2000 movie piano (custom player piano) in June of 1922. Early movies also often included some stage acts and humor which required a lot of showmanship. Taylor ran a restaurant and hotel still and he turned his dining room into a dance floor. They offered dancing and sold ice cream after the movies to drum up more business. By December 1925, Gillette and Taylor almost gave up on the movie business at Roger’s House, but kept making attempts to show movies up until about early 1927 where it appeared they were done with movies in WP. Gillette went on and opened a theater in Greene, then Cinncinatus, and later Chenango Forks. Roger House was leased out in April 1930 to a man from Endicott, Vincent Davenport to be used as a Ford car showroom and repair shop. There was a nother movie house in town above the fire station operated from the 1924 to 1961 unrelated to Tyler. See Point Theatre for info on that which operated under differnt owners and names.

WPGUY commented about Point Theatre on Jul 9, 2022 at 4:22 am

Byron Gosh came to WP in 1934 and rented the movie house on the second floor of the fire station. He was listed as a former Barnum and Bailey circus clown. Gosh brought on sound equipment and showed the first movies in WP with real sound instead of piano music. As a true showman, Gosh pulled all sorts of stunts to get people into his theater including his, “Gosh’s Country Store” where he gave away about 20 gifts on movie night that included groceries among other things. He had a “bathing beauty” contest on a movie night that would offer young ladies in bathing attire to win prizes and compete for the title “Miss Whitney Point.” He had a dog show and contest that included an award for ugliest dog. The baby giveaway had to be his finest or perhaps most devious act where he claimed to have had a baby dropped off on his front steps that had a note to find it a good home. Gosh advertised he was giving away a baby on movie night. I am sure it was a hoax as nothing more was reported. I suppose a lucky movie-goer received a kitten, puppy or such animal. The trickery used by circus showmen was common and did not often build good feelings in a community. Gosh seems to have been in WP less that the whole year of 1934. Gosh started a small indoors circus and advertised along the east coast mostly in southern states. Later he bought tents and ran a small circus that popped up at local fairs and such. In 1942 it looks like Gosh had quit the circus business and became a movie house operator in Chilhowie, VA. with his “Your Theater.” During WWII he was paid by sponsors to drive around in a truck that had a steel box and housed a powerful projector. Another truck carried chairs. Gosh traveled to towns and showed outdoor movies at night including news reels of the war effort for no charge to the audiences. In 1945 Gosh took a contract with a radio station in Knoxville, TN and with four trucks and trailers took on tent shows all over the region exploiting the radio celebrities and showing films. This was a good attempt to improve the count of the radio audience.
Sometime after this, it appears Gosh started up another circus called the “All-American Circus.” In 1947 he had 3 trucks and a 60x160-foot tent that could hold 2000 people. He traveled about 30 miles between shows as he traveled Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. This circus in 1958 listed 15 people and 10 shows. It was a small and well-received circus. Byron Gosh was a clown in it. They hosted a dog show, cycle and juggling acts, contortionist, animal shows with chimps and hippos plus various acrobatic acts and clown shows. In 1956 he even had a sea lion act. This was a small circus that traveled in the south eastern states. Gosh died in March 1965 and his wife Thelma, former costume designer ran the show. Byron Gosh was a special type person that was gifted to entertain and WP shared a time with him.

WPGUY commented about Point Theatre on Jul 9, 2022 at 4:10 am

The history of Whitney Point’s Movie Theaters and the Baby Giveaway: Here is some history on the movie theaters in Whitney Point. The movie theater business was bumpy and nobody stayed at it long in town. The history is an exhausting thing to piece it all together to figure out who did what and when that was involved. So here is what I found: Andrew Tyler bought Rogers House which was originally built as a big hotel that sat on the corner of Main and Railroad Street where the Advance Graphic is now (was old NAPA site.) in 1919. He left his farm on Cherry Hill Road and used the old hotel to run his insurance and real estate business. He built an addition on the east side to make an opera house. He leased the opera room to a guy named Gillette. Gillette with his brother managed the movies business with decent success. As movies were silent in the early days, they bought a super expensive $2000 movie piano (custom player piano) in June of 1922. Early movies also often included some stage acts and humor which required a lot of showmanship. Taylor ran a restaurant and hotel still and he turned his dining room into a dance floor. They offered dancing and sold ice cream after the movies to drum up more business. By December 1925, Gillette and Taylor almost gave up on the movie business at Roger’s House, but kept making attempts to show movies up until about early 1927 where it appeared they were done with movies in WP. Gillette went on and opened a theater in Greene, then Cinncinatus, and later Chenango Forks. Roger House was leased out in April 1930 to a man from Endicott, Vincent Davenport to be used as a Ford car showroom and repair shop. About 1924 the Fire Station’s opera house upstairs was leased to Carl Paige and his wife who opened the Crescent Theater. The Crescent ran movies while Taylor’s movie house was struggling for viewers. The Crescent did a bit better. The Paiges moved away in June 1924. For the next year or so only a handful of movies were shown by special arrangement. In October 1926 Herman Joslin took over the Crescent. Apparently a man from Cortland, Harry Still took over the Crescent movies from Joslin in December 1926. Of Russian descent, Harry was a go-getter that ran a top-shelf theater in Cortland. On July 11, 1927 Harry Still died from Typhoid. It seems like the Crescent was done shortly after this to be reopened later by others. Starting by early 1929 there was a “People’s Theater” in town I think was in the fire station. This was run by Alax Dribnock from Endicott. These were movies with sound.
The theater at the fire station later opened as the “Whitney Point Theater” under Byron Gosh on April 21, 1934 and seems to have gone away in about one year. Byron worked hard to bribe people to see movies and offered snacks, candy, and even had routine “bathing beauty” contests where girls in bathing suits competed for prizes. I expect this drew in a lot of young men. Byron rented a bottom floor apartment on Liberty Street. On one day, he announced in the newspaper that he found someone left a baby on his doorstep with a note wanting someone to care for it. Byron was not in a position himself, but put word out that he was giving away a free baby on movie night on July 18th, 1934. . Now that is the biggest giveaway in the town I expect. I find no further mention of where the baby went. I may assume it was not such a big deal in those times or more likely it was a kitten or puppy. On December 24,1936 the fire station site was opened as the Point Theatre under Mr. Pearlman from Binghamton who ordered new upholstered seats and seems to have quit in 1958. He claimed attendance was low as young people were rowdy and loud, others wouldn’t attend. The village supplied heat and rented the area for $400 per year so they offered the space to Mr, S. Warthmore from Greene was running movies in his home town and appears to have taken on the Point Theater until early 1961. In March of that year the Department of Labor declared the space unsafe for use as a movie theater. The village did not feel it was worth the money to upgrade the space to meet code. Leonard Kaufmann who was involved in the management of the movies declared the theater closed. Warthmore was listing the seats for sale right after it shut it down. This was the sad end of movie theaters in Whitney Point.