Comments from whyprsnapr

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whyprsnapr commented about 53 Drive-In on May 11, 2007 at 12:20 pm

I believe the place opened with CLEOPATRA and much fanfare. There was a playground (very low-rent) beneath the screen which was slowly consumed by the earth beneath it. I remember seeing a double bill of PEYTON PLACE and SINK THE BISMARK as a kid, but coming back as a teen to sneak in beers and (not so successfully)try to “make out” with dates. Another double bill, barely remembered from this ear was BARBARELLA and THE GREEN BERET.

By the time multiple screen were added, the place was turning into a open air gindhouse I vividly remember seeing rats run between the cars as LOVE CAMP 7 played on one of the screens. I also remember a cop coming by to shine a flashlight in our car during the winter (very Orwellian) because they could, I guess.

The stories about car wrecks due to passersby trying to catch a glimpse of the porno flicks was at least reported as true by the local press.

By the early 70s, more discriminating tastes headed to Wheeling’s TWIN DRIVE-IN where we could watch airplanes land next door should the movie get too boring.

Ten minutes to showtime….