Comments from Tynan

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Tynan commented about United Artists Theater Spawns Graffiti Debate on Apr 8, 2005 at 5:32 pm

no two ways about it:GRAFFITI=IS=ART. yes, I agree, there are some points where graffiti is vandalism, like vile racist comments scrawled on a wall, but other than that, graffiti is an underground form of art. For some, like myself, its our only release. Yes, a real canvase would be oh SO much better than a wall that is not “our own,” but a canvase is nothing like a new, untouched wall. For most of us writers, this is freedom. When I walk up to a wall, can of paint in my hand, adrenaline rushing through my viens, I see no boundry’s. I can do anything I want with my hands. I can make people stare in aw, or I can make people turn away in disgust. I can make people listin to any kind of messege I want to send out. Its my choice. The moment I push down the cap, to the moment I drop the can to the street, is pure realese, is plesure at its best. Nothing can compare. Nothing else matters in life. Its just me, and the wall. and as I stand back, and look at the wounderfull gift I have given the world, I couldnt feel happier.