Comments from TxtMsgOhNoooooesss

Showing 13 comments

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 30, 2006 at 12:09 am

QFT… quote for truth for the layman

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 11:51 pm

Longisland – on another note, since you just moved… what’s a good place to check out in NYC (daytime thing), I have my night plans covered. I heard the WTC memorial was very pathetic at best in terms of memorials.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 11:49 pm

Cinema – You know you have nothing when all you can do is point out my horrible spelling. Yes, I attribute that to MS Word and the auto-check spelling feature but that’s another case. Nonetheless, even if I am the minority here, in the real world I am very much the majority.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:56 pm

I’ll help you out… sarcasm

Also, if you knew anything about the DC Area or really going out in general, you would know you don’t even think of going out to a bar or club until 11pm, at the earliest. But ya, I am going to NYC tomorrow morning.

Cinema- I never claimed I knew everything, but it doesn’t take anyone with half a brain to see that what all of you are complaining about is the norm… or do you not even have a half? /cry

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:50 pm

In case you couldn’t catch that, the plan is to leave around 4-5am ish… with NYC being about a good 4-5 hour trek and from what I’ve calculated about $20 in tolls.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:50 pm

Hmm, maybe because I didn’t feel like going out and getting trashed like most of my other friends when I’m leaving for NYC tomorrow morning…? Maybe I can stop by your theater and we can chat?

I actually have tourist bus tickets to tour NYC, want to come?

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:42 pm

CinemaSightlines – I’m just being realistic and honest. Face it and accept it. if you think otherwise, as I have said, it’s just wishful thinking.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:41 pm

longislandmovies – why would I care how old you are?

Besides, I believe just about every theater that has a no phone policy states it as either “silence is golden” or has a fake trailer that is interrupted with a cell phone ringing as a gag, then states the policy.

From what I gather, those rules are against… you guessed it… SOUND. Not texting. Good try though. You get an A for effort.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:16 pm

What truly bugs me is that when I was in high school (6 years ago) movie prices were ½ of what they are now. If you guys really want to complain, use that.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:15 pm

Schmadrian has pinned it down just right. This is how things are going now, so get used to it or stay home.

[quote from Schmadian]
I think that when cinemas began losing their monopoly on being the source for movie entertainment (I’d only just recently been reminded of the impact of the ‘Movie of the Week’ on tv some 30+ years ago), the ‘specialness’ of the movie-going experience began to decay. When movie palaces and nabes were replaced by multiplexes, this situation just got worse. How ‘special’ can a film be to a younger generation when they can watch it on their home system in a couple of months, or when most of their viewing takes place not in a cinema, but in front of their tvs via DVD players? (You’d think that this would make going to a cinema once in a while a special thing, and they’d be on their ‘best behaviour’. It apparently doesn’t. This too is part of the short-attention spanned, transient, ever-changing, constantly shifting instant-gratification generation’s profile.)

That last sentence is actually a very good representation of what my generation is. Instant-gratification is a must.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 10:10 pm

Common sense will tell you that you are living a dream if the movies is anything but that. I mean, get real, seriously. Do you not comprehend the simple fact that it’s just a movie? JUST A MOVIE. See, I’m trying to be real clear here. I wish I could say it really slow to you, so you can fully understand. This whole thing is blown completely out of proportion.

Like I first said, throw the people who are busy chit chatting and having a full on conversation during the movie. You see, their sound can actually be louder or just as loud as the movie, but a tiny cell phone light, please! Try harder.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 9:49 pm

After reading everyone’s responses it sounds like you guys are living in the past. I’m 23 years old and guess what… it’s going to the movies. There is no “magical cinema experience in cinema land.” The “talkies” are long since past. If you actually believe that, then I guess I should break it to you now that Santa Clause isn’t real either. Cry more please. QQ

GTFO and GSO if you actually believe that kind of garbage. It’s a F*cking movie for christ sake. A MOVIE!!!!!!! You guys act like its a crime against humanity. That’s the problem, most of you are extremely too uptight.

So long as they have the sounds and flashing lights off, texting isn’t a problem. Hmm there is a gigantic screen but I don’t have enough mental or physical capacity to keep myself from focusing on one little light maybe 1000 times smaller than the movie screen.

If you don’t know what GTFO and GSO mean then I suggest you google it. If you are too old and don’t understand what that means I suggest you leave the internet to the more technologically savvy. We are the future, get used to it. It was about time we met face to face.

And surprisingly, you may be thinking I’m some random “hoodlum” or “punk” but guess what? I am a college graduate and now I am very well compensated contractor. I like JoshCaudle’s viewpoint that just because I think most of the comments on this page are ludicrous I must be uneducated, a criminal, and 13 years old. Why do you think so many young people laugh/mock at older crowds, because they are people with opinions like JoshCaudle.

TxtMsgOhNoooooesss commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 28, 2006 at 5:17 pm

Lol, you guys are retarded. I mean it was a text message, not a board conference via the phone. Unless they had their phones buzzing and making noises when they sent/received a text I see no problem in people doing that.

They paid for the movie just as much as you did. Get over yourself. You act like just because you paid for admission you own the place. Texting is far from disruptive behavior. You want to “toot” your horn, throw people who are talking during a movie.

Just like your average policemen, the managers had nothing better to do than bust some teenagers. Go out and get the people that are causing serious trouble.