Comments from Tspenceriii

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Tspenceriii commented about Princess Theatre on Aug 18, 2016 at 4:20 pm

The Princess Theater originally had live stage shows as well as vaudeville. In 1953 it was still open as a movie house. I spent many happy Satirdays there watching newsreels, westerns, and cartoons. In 1954 it burned and my cousin Ginny Phipps Lawson who had inherited the theater property, had the ruins remodeled into Faulkner & Lawson Drugstore. When it was finished, she moved her father’s 1880’s pharmacy from several doors down into the new quarters built after the fire. The old drugstore was gutted, renovated and used as rental properties until her death. My great uncle owned the Halifax Theater on Main Street and my dad worked there as an usher when he was in high school in the 1930’s. The Halifax remained the only indoor theater for many years and the family kept the building for many years. Another cousin had his dental practice in the loft over the Halufax theater!