Comments from TomWyse

Showing 3 comments

TomWyse commented about Luna Theater on Mar 22, 2012 at 9:36 am

I’ve found the trek to the Majestic booth most daunting, and cannot imagine how in hell they got the film up there. Out the balcony fire exit, up the exterior of the building and then back across the roof to the booth. And the angle of the projectors! Wow!

TomWyse commented about Darb Theatre on Mar 22, 2012 at 9:31 am

I guess my train of thought crashed in my above comment. My most memorable changeover was when an actress heard a knock at the door, said, “John, John, is that you?” as she opened the door the second cue hit the screen and I hit the change switch only to have the MGM lion roar back at me. The Hailey Mills episode just simply went to end of reel whatever and then blank screen.

TomWyse commented about Darb Theatre on Jun 18, 2011 at 8:34 pm

I worked at the Darb until it closed, the year I don’t remember, but I was a junior in school. At the time it was owned by a Robert Schneider of Kankakee, now deceased. I was kept on by Mr. Schneider to help with the remodel and have no idea why everything stopped. Also, I was there the day the tornado knocked the chimney through the roof and the screen. I used to take the clinkers out of the coal fired boiler and refill the coal scuttle as one of my first duties of the day when I arrived. It was at the Darb that I fell in love with Haley Mills and while operation the projectors got totally involved in the movie and forgot all about the cues for changing over to the other other projector. and there was the MGM lion roaring back at her! Crap!