Comments from TomLamb

Showing 4 comments

TomLamb commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 14, 2007 at 11:18 am

Bill, I just rec’d a spreadsheet from Avery with a listing of all the drawings they have on file. In that list, is the Methodist Episcopal Church in Arlington NJ. No date is given for the project drawings. Hope this helps.

TomLamb commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 14, 2007 at 7:32 am

Bill, thanks for this new information. I did some more investigation online regarding TW,and came up with this website: View link
The site lists several buildings held by Emporis that list TW Lamb as the architect. It appears that there is precedent for work other than theaters for the firm. Among the notable buildings is the Paramount Hotel in NYC. Given this information, a church commission would not be out of the realm of possibilities. I would steer you to the Avery Library at Columbia Universtiy in Manhattan. TW’s former partner in the firm donated TW’s work to the archive there. I would be quite interested in any other stories your father may have told you about his work with the Lamb firm. Thanks for responding to the post. Tom

TomLamb commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 13, 2007 at 6:39 pm

Hello all,

Sorry not to have come back sooner and checked my posting for comments, but life has been very hectic for the last year.
There is a new development: I will be interviewed for a documentary on TW and the Stanley Theater in Utica next week, and am really looking forward to the whole experience. They contacted me through this post.
On to some of the above postings…Richard, you may find information at the Avery library of Columbia University in NYC. Wikipedia Thomas W. Lamb and you will find more information there.
And Patsy, thanks for keeping the flame of this posting going!
and many thanks to all for checking in.
Cheers, Tom

TomLamb commented about Thomas W. Lamb on Feb 18, 2006 at 5:49 pm

Many, nany thanks to all who have responded to my post. I think there are thousands of stories to be told about TW and about all who have worked in his theaters.

It will take some time for me to take all this in and decide how to proceed.

All of your kind words and heartfelt recommendations are truly appreciated.

I do not quite understand how to contact site members directly by email. Any tips on how to make that possible would also be appreciated. I can be contacted through email at .com Best, Tom