Comments from throne3333

Showing 2 comments

throne3333 commented about Central Park Theatre on Oct 26, 2015 at 1:05 pm

My not for profit,Alternative Village,has inherited this amazing property. We are forging forward in a renewal project to reinstate this very elegant theater back to,or close to the cultural attraction Balaban and Katzenvisioned.

throne3333 commented about Central Park Theatre on Sep 26, 2015 at 2:08 pm

Thank you DavidZornig for honoring my legendary uncle Dr. Lincoln Scott in your blog. He will moat definitely be missed. However, his passion to restore the amazing Central Park Theater lives. A not for profit Alternative Village is prepared to take to helm on Dr. Scotts behalf.The Central Park Theater has such an historical value to the North Lawndale community, we feel that yhe message muat be continued to be uttered throigh this restorative process.