Comments from TheMurph

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TheMurph commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 18, 2005 at 8:45 am

I was leaning towards being anti-theatre, but recent activities by the likes of Jayme and others have opened my eyes. I do not think that the Trustees would reconsider their position on the theater. For whatever their reasons, no matter how flawed they may appear to be, they are dead set on demolition. The fact that they chose to pay for demolition, rather than to sell the site outright, leads me to believe that there is another plan they have that they do not want the public to know about just yet, but that’s just one man’s opinion…

TheMurph commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 18, 2005 at 8:41 am

BTW, if youg Jayme Warnock is dead set against the theater and thinks it will rot out Lombard, when is she going to stand up at a Board meeting and publically speak out against it? High school wasn’t that long ago (she still may be in it, considering her attitude) so she should remember her government lessons on how thing work in local government…

I’m trying to make sure I don’t spell anything wrong or make any grammatical or spelling errors so Ann doesn’t think I am someone else either!!! One female off her rocker on here is enough!!!

TheMurph commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 18, 2005 at 8:35 am

So JW is Jayme, an 18 year old girl living in sin behind the theatre? She tries to create problems between my neighbor and I, she can’t even SPELL I.T., and she holds all the answers… A girl who has probably never even voted is accusing ME of being someone I am not, and that creates a problem here!
“Please cease the name calling and juvenile behavior. You are not representing preservationists very well” What about the comments by young Jayme on here? What about her committing slander? Where’s your berating her for that?

TheMurph commented about DuPage Theater on Oct 15, 2005 at 4:00 pm

Well folks,where do I begin? I’ll start with this. I was out working in the yard this afternoon and Paul, my neighbor, came over with a puzzled look on his face. He’s a member of the Friends, and he asked me where I stood on the theater. I said I don’t know, why? He told me well, you’re name is up on a theater website, and you’re being accused of a lot of stuff. I excused myself, went in and looked it up. I was amazed! Here I was, responding to a long thread about a party put on for those opposed to the theater, and all of a sudden, I’m being accused of being a person I have never even met!! I was against the theater, and had written some letters to various officials, but now, I am not so sure, we are rethinking our position her at the Murphy household. Any ideas, folks? I have read and seen a lot of rhetoric, nut is any of it true?