Comments from Themot

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Themot commented about Saratoga Theater on Jan 30, 2016 at 11:05 pm

Here is my odd connection with this theater. In the early 1960s, my parents got into a church without a building. The church had a membership, a congregation, but no where to worship. Some how, the Saratoga theater became the church. The pastor would stand in front of the screen and give that weeks sermon. Up stairs in the office and protectionist booth was Sunday school.

I remember my dad had the job of making a sign for the topic of the week’s sermon and sticking it in the middle of Saratoga Ave.

My parents were pretty straight laced normal people. How they got connected with this church, I have no idea.

Years later I would go to the Vitaphone and watch Marx Brothers movies. Which seems connected, somehow.