Comments from TeamUptown

Showing 7 comments

TeamUptown commented about Uptown Theatre on Aug 28, 2008 at 7:23 pm

Hurdle # 1
Jam is the official title holder of the Uptown Theater.

TeamUptown commented about Uptown Theatre on Aug 12, 2008 at 7:17 am

I think it’s safe to say everyone on this site would like the best possible outcome for the Uptown. And I completly understand your curiosity in knowing every detail of the renovation process.
I will do my best to get everyone all the inside Information as soon as it become’s available. Please understand that there are item's
that cant be disclosed until event’s warrent. As far as the many
wonderful story’s I have of growing up in this great venue, they are
being compiled along with those of other big player’s in the theaters great history for an upcoming book. The title of the book is still up in the air,( The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway And Larwence?)Just kidding, however look for it to be realesed soon.
I have gathered backstage pass’s drum stick’s, set list’s, ect,
I gathered some great concert pictures, from friend’s and family.
Everyone from Alice Cooper, to Zappa, Played the Uptown. So there will be somthing for everyone music wise.

TeamUptown commented about Uptown Theatre on Aug 4, 2008 at 10:29 am

I hardly qualify as a armchair quaterback.
I dont think I am going out on a limb here when I say
that, I know this project like the back of my hand.
I have been to every concert, boxing match, movie,
at the Uptown from 1977-1981. I ate pizza with Bruce Springsteen
and company. shared popcorn with Peter Gabriel there, and cooked three turkey’s for Carlos Santana when he played there on thanksgiving day,

TeamUptown commented about Uptown Theatre on Aug 1, 2008 at 6:25 pm

Scott: I heard the deadline was monday, in Berlin?
I think we would all like it to look as it did in August of 1925.
But we all know that’s just not going to happen.
The American’s With Disability’s Act,alone is one thing that will
stop this from being a restoration as oppossed to a renovation.
City code’s. All go into more detail later.

TeamUptown commented about Uptown Theatre on Jul 30, 2008 at 12:03 pm

Everyone take a deep breath!
Nazi Germany? Sitting on the Uptown?,Who’s next?
Have faith!

TeamUptown commented about Uptown Theatre on Jul 29, 2008 at 10:41 am

Just got off the phone with Arny Granet Jam own’s the Uptown Theater!

TeamUptown commented about Uptown Theatre on Jul 28, 2008 at 12:41 pm

For the past five years the Uptown Theater Renovation Project,
has worked extremely hard in making the case for the Uptown
Theater to be renovated, so that future generations could enjoy this magnificent venue. It was no easy task to convince anyone to spend
millions of dollars to restore it to its former glory.
I am the son of the last person to operate this magnificent venue,
Rene Rabiela SR. And it’s no big secret I have a big soft spot for the place. So after seeing organization’s come and go, I felt the responsibility of making sure that theater didnt go the way of the Granada or any of the other demolished movie palaces we all miss.
So when I put together U.T.R.P. I wanted to make sure that it would not fail the way other’s did in the past. I am extremely proud of the team I put together. Everyone on this team shared the same passion for the Uptown as I did. We brought in the big promoter's
and we showed them how they could spend all those millions and make it back in a reasonable amount of time. It wasnt easy, AEG, passed on the theater, saying for the amount it would take to renovate
the theater they could build a new one. We brought in Elevated,
formerly Clear Channel, now Live Nation. Our passion was shared
with Live Nation as well as with Jam Production’s. And now the theater that everyone seemingly wrote off, is now being fought over.
The worse appears to over? Let’s hope that as my good friend David Balaban say’s this is the end, but really the beginning.

Rene Rabiela Jr.