Comments from TawnyGold

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TawnyGold commented about Grand Lake Theatre on Jul 12, 2005 at 5:58 am

I found this site by searching for any web pages containing the words “Grand Lake Theater” and political. I decided to do the search after driving by this magnificent cinema house for the umteenth time and heralding their courageous act of posting political statements and information on their marquee. Just tonight it finally dawned upon me that I have yet to read a single message on their marquee to which I didn’t fully agree and concur. In fact at times, the message was so right on that I felt compelled to demonstrate my accordance and did so by frantically honking my horn and pointing up to the marquee as I drove by in my little convertible. Although that made me feel good I realized that the best thing I could do to insure those messages keep coming, is to simply buy tickets. So that’s what I do whenever I can and encourage all my friends to do likewise. I’m hoping that every person who ceases their patronage because of the messages on the marquee (i.e. APhillips 12/2003), I and my friends will find two more people that will happily bring their families to the great GRAND LAKE THEATER for all their movie enjoyment. And they’ll tell two friends, and so on, and so on,….