Comments from Suskelah

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Suskelah commented about Mermaid Theater on Aug 31, 2014 at 6:02 pm

I need to correct a misimpression I had about ‘air-conditioning’ at The Mermaid. My mother told me, soon after I first wrote here in 2004, that the system wasn’t canvas, but wooden frames and slats which were retracted on hot nights, exposing the night sky, which either then or possibly only later combined with the fan behind a large block of ice to cool the air, as described by Murray Philip Roth’s child ‘mermaidromance’ in October of 2008.

Alas, my mother, Harriet, passed away in 2010 and my Aunt May passed away only last week, so additional details will be harder to document. Some of us did meet with Abe Drogin’s son and his wife early in 2008, spurred by this wonderful website and taped that meeting; so when I find the tape, there may be more to add as they owned 5 movie theaters together during those years.

Suskelah commented about Mermaid Theater on Dec 28, 2007 at 6:30 pm

I have left email asking the people who run this site to help me contact you directly or to send you my email address. This may not happen until I’m back in NY on Sunday as my outgoing email isn’t working from here. Also just spoke with my mother who remembers you and your father and told me about a boat ride sponsored perhaps by a NY theater owners group where she, her sisters and your family met. I’m hoping there are pictures of the theaters themselves to add to this site. Have just spoken with one of my cousins as well since I wrote the above and we’re hoping we can get you all together so that we can eavesdrop on your reminiscences.

Suskelah commented about Mermaid Theater on Dec 28, 2007 at 5:32 pm

Yes, “heljes”, I’d often heard the name Mr. Drogin when my mother and aunts talked about Grandpa and their theaters! I’m on vacation in Washington DC ‘til Sunday but when I get back to my mother’s (Harriet) I’d like to get in touch with you privately by e-mail. Don’t post your real email address here (too public). I’ll see if I can find a way for us to email privately. BTW, “Suskelah” is what my grandfather, who lived with us while we were growing up, called me. Well, it was more like “Suskelah, sit strait, you’ll get a hunchback…” I can’t wait to hear what you remember! Am very excited!

Suskelah commented about Mermaid Theater on Nov 2, 2004 at 12:37 am

I don’t know when the Horwitz family bought it, but my grandfather, Samuel Schill, owned it (perhaps later with a partner – I’ll check with my mother and aunt) from around 1924 – 1937. It was in Coney Island. I think it was the first “air conditioned” theater around. They unsnapped and rolled back a canvas roof at night in the summer. I’ll look for pictures and try for more details when I next visit them. Grandpa owned another three or four theaters during those years. I’ll see if I can find them here.