Comments from StephenPrince

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StephenPrince commented about New Invicta Cinema on May 23, 2012 at 12:11 am

A close-up of the Odeon entrance, St Thomas Street in December 1970:

StephenPrince commented about Picturedrome Cinema on May 9, 2012 at 4:20 pm

I have fond memories of the “Classic” in Weymouth between 1966 and 1968 during which time I gorged myself on classic horror movies. The Odeon in the main street always had the latest big releases leaving the Classic booking lesser films. But the inventive manager there would make up for that by occassionally having a week long programme of cheap horror movies, a different double bill each day! Oh joy! Friday nights at 10.30/11pm was usually “horror night” with Roger Corman/Poe classics or Universal classics such as “House of Frankenstein” – all rather grainy, scratched and with the occassional jump or bump. No digital in those days! Another cinema on Portland, a bus ride away, showed similar fare. As a young teenager I got to know the manager and would beg posters or film stills. He even booked one or two of my suggestions. Barbara Steele in “Black Sunday” was one, just then made available to the UK. The Classic could be relied upon for excellent movies of the time including “2001” and “Barbarella”!