Comments from StatenIsland1

Showing 2 comments

StatenIsland1 commented about Loew's Pitkin Theatre on Feb 6, 2006 at 3:15 pm

Who owns this theatre? I would love to see the inside and pictures on how it looks now. Maybe someone can do a documentary of closed theatres in new york and they can show us the insides.


StatenIsland1 commented about Kings Theatre on Feb 4, 2006 at 8:30 am

Hello everyone, my name is Kris from Staten Island, New York. I am 27 years old and do not even remember this Theatre and knew nothing about it until today. I was in Brooklyn the other day and stumbled upon the Kings Theatre when I was on Flatbush. I was walking down the street on the same side and I noticed a very large metal beam on the roof going through the top front of the theatre and did not know what it was. As I got closer and looked at it I could not believe what I found. This is the most beautiful and majestic theatre I have ever layed eyes on. I had my digital camera with me and took some pictures, next time I go back I am going to bring my video camera. If anyone wants to see pictures just ask. I wish I could have seen the inside. But I was really ispired by it and learned alot from this message board that I want to be part of any group that will help raise money or bring this theatre back to it’s original way. I would donate money if other people are willing to do so. Also does anyone know how the mayor feels about it and markowitz? I would love to see it up and running again, I am just not sure if the area would really treat it well. I mean today’s society would not be as respectful of such nice things. They may ruin the place putting gum places and vandalizing it. I would suggest that a higher price be payed for tickets so you can weed out trouble making youth. But I think it should be for people of class because that is what it is. From what I have heard about the inside it was like a palace and should be kept that way when people come to it’s re opening. Hey Mayor Bloomberg has so much he should help pay for the resoration instead of parties for his election when he did.