Comments from sreckert1

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sreckert1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 20, 2005 at 10:37 pm

I sincerely apologize for this intrusion since I have little of value to offer regarding “theaters” except that I was from Roscoe, NY where we had one theater (recently destroyed) and, when I came to Elmhurst (in 1964) and met the guy I was to marry (in 1966), we attended many movies at the Elmwood Theater. (I hope that qualifies me to post this note.)

The guy I married was Raymond C. Eckert who attended St. Bart’s from 1952-1960 and St. Francis Prep from 1960-1964 on a scholarship. Ray was a swimmer. Very handsome, medium blonde hair and blue eyes. does anyone remember him?

Ray passed away from a brain tumor in 1998 and now that we have two beautiful grandsons whom he will never know, I am asking for some help (from those of you who might have known him before I did) to share any stories he might have related to them himself (or might not have)!

Again, I apologize for interrupting, however, I did notice that, early on, many of you folks were delighted to renew old friendships and to review old memories regarding the old neighborhood. That
said, please remember that Ray was a part of your neighborhood as well. He was there every day for 4 years and would indeed have remembered many of the places you will have mentioned in your postings—in fact, some are familiar to me—just from his descriptions.

Won’t you help me create those images for our grandsons who are growing up in CA and OR? Thank you in advance for your patience with this posting and for any help you can offer.