Comments from soxkb

Showing 2 comments

soxkb commented about Forest Theatre on Sep 26, 2007 at 9:57 am

What is everyones take on possibly purchasing the theater and tailoring it more to the college crowd from the university right next door. You could add ameneties that college students would appreciate alot more. Also, would adding events such as plays or concerts along with the movies be a feasible idea. I am a student at the university and there is nothing within walking distance of the school to do. Does anyone think this idea will work? Also Would getting investors or donations to contribute to the upkeep and purchase of the theater a good idea? Please get back to me on comments, i am very interested in bringing this ytheater back to a working form and am an eagle scout. I look forward to everyones opinion. Curretnyl im working on a survery to send to my fellow students to gauge what their interest would be in attending the theater again and if it is worth it. Thank you

soxkb commented about Forest Theatre on Oct 21, 2006 at 3:40 pm

does anyone know a number to reach for possibly seeing the price for this building?