Comments from silverarm

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silverarm commented about Marquette Theatre on Mar 4, 2012 at 7:33 pm

Thank you VintageBob. Yes, you’re right in that it is a sad photo, but it’s good to know that there are still some of us around who recall the Marquette in fond memory. We loved it! Thanks again – Danny.

silverarm commented about Marquette Theatre on Dec 30, 2009 at 9:52 pm

Jim & Tim, there is at least one picture of the Marquette taken in 1986, a year before the demolition and also 3 or 4 pix of the actual demolition. Go to and search for “Marquette Theater Chicago.” I know these are not the type of photos that we, as friends of the old Marquette in it’s heyday would like to see, but, as sad as they are; they are something at least. Also, if you look at the photo presentation on the right side of the page you can arrow right or left and find some more photos taken around that area of 63rd & Kedzie from the mid-80’s. – Happy Trails, Danny

silverarm commented about Marquette Theatre on Dec 24, 2009 at 4:23 pm

As a child in the 50’s I lived near the southeast corner of Midway airport at 64th Place & Central ave. A quick walk down to 63rd St. to catch the Stoney Island bound CTA bus transported me and my brother to 63rd & Kedzie and the Marquette Theatre. – – What wonderful memories I still have today of the old Marquette. One in particular was from around 1959 when we saw House on Haunted Hill, a William Castle production presented in “Shock-O-Rama” I believe it was called. It was heavily advertised outside the theatre. They had lighted skeletons on wires to “float” overhead in conjunction with the skeleton scene from the movie. Also, some of the seats had a low level electric shock or buzz which scared the daylights out of those lucky kids who happened to be in one of the seats. With the girls screaming (and some of us boys) it made quite an impression on this 10 year old at the time. I believe it was the only time I was ever actually scared in a theatre. They also occasionally had Saturday afternoon matinee, live horror shows. Folks in monster costume would run up and down the aisles trying to scare the kids, especially between features at intermission. As I think back, I pity the poor folks who had to clean up after these events. The popcorn and candy that were thrown surely made quite a mess. – – Ah, the old Marquette … I loved it! You could get a ticket for a quarter, popcorn for a dime, and memories enough to last a lifetime. Farewell old friend, you may be gone now but you live forever in my heart.