Comments from sides

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sides commented about Washington Theatre on Jan 17, 2007 at 12:37 pm

Thanks so much for sharing the picture of the Washington Theatre. I still have my August 1945 Telephone Directory, and the listing for the Theatreis 1336 19th Street, phone number TriCity-82. I remember the Usher’s, and walking up and down the aisle with them, when I was scared of the particular movie they were showing. I would attend every Saturday matinee’s, with my cousin’s Beverly and Vivian Hall. They never hot scared, but I did, I was a bit younger. This was in the late 1930’s and up until 1945. I was born in 1934, in Granite City, Saint ELizabeth Hospital. Please e-mail me if you have some more picutre’s, I would love to see them.