Comments from sharlee420

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sharlee420 commented about Starlite Drive-In on Feb 1, 2013 at 11:05 pm

Is this the Drive-in that had the aligator at the entrance? My grandfather told me about a “Twilight” drive in that had an aligator at the entrance. But he also mentioned a “Stardust”. The “Stardust”, he said, was torn down and made into a trailer park, named the stardust as well. And they moved the drive in to another location in San Angelo. So im confused now, hehe, Ive been told about “Twilight” and “Stardust”, but not Starlite. Got to bother my grandfather again about this drive in.

sharlee420 commented about Texas Theatre on Feb 1, 2013 at 10:54 pm

I would love to get my grandfather back in here. He is always telling me stories about all the theaters in San Angelo that were run by Rowley United. I was showing him the pictures that Mrs. Durbin posted on here. he told me about the ceiling, and how they changed the lights, the bolier in the basement, and the building on the roof.

sharlee420 commented about Rocket Drive-In on Feb 1, 2013 at 10:29 pm

My grandfather said that a tornado took it down. 1953. My grandfather also said that he has speakers from that drive in sitting on the post outside his house. He brought them home to fix them, but he forgot about them and they have been there since. I asked him about this theater, but that is all the info he remembers so far. He worked for R&R, and he said it became Concho theaters before it was Rowley United. Any info on that?

sharlee420 commented about Rita Theater on Feb 1, 2013 at 9:06 pm

My grandfather talks about this theater all the time. He managed it for many many years. And he often talked about Rowley United. He even has a pin from the company for 20 yrs of service.