Comments from sharkbamford

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sharkbamford commented about Super 71 Drive-In on Dec 7, 2007 at 8:28 am

I remember in the mid-1970’s, they were planning on building a dome over the whole lot!

sharkbamford commented about Harris Theatre on Dec 7, 2007 at 7:34 am

I grew up in Donora in the 70’s. The Liberty was the only one left then – it was very run down. I saw Willie Wonka there. Then it closed, and reopened around 76. I remember a double-bill there also – was Tom Thumb, and a strange documentary tiltled Beyond and Back. We saw a very grainy/linty Jaws there about a year after it’s realease. Then it became an adult theatre.

Growing up in Donora at this point of time was unique. The townsfolk always spoke of this magical “days gone by” era, of economic vibrancy. The mills were gone, we watched all the car dealers, stores, JC Penney, etc slowly close up. Gosh, we had a McDonalds that opened, then closed it’s doors two years later! There were scores of neighborhood stores, 4 or 5 to a block – all gone now.

I have an old postcard from the Grand Theatre.