Comments from Shadowguitar

Showing 2 comments

Shadowguitar commented about Radford Theatre on Jun 6, 2010 at 1:51 am

Yes, it’s very much open. It still shows new releases, and is still a great theater. By far my favorite theater I’ve ever been to. Easy on my college student wallet, and it’s located right on Main St. I love the seats, and the feeling I get when I walk in. Feels like I’m walking into my living room. Very nice place.

Shadowguitar commented about AMC Springfield Mall 10 on Jun 6, 2010 at 1:28 am

I had the good fortune of getting inside the 7-10 theaters the other day, and they’re still in good shape! The projectors and seats are still in there, and the lights are still on. Because of that, I’d say they plan on reopening after the renovation. You don’t just leave decent projectors in disuse like that.
There weren’t any reels around, but I’m pretty sure the projectors would still work. No visible issues with them, and with the exception of one torn screen, the screens are still fine. Lots of memories in that place, and I thought I should see it one last time just in case they tear it all down. I took a 2 hour look around, and I didn’t see a single reason they couldn’t reopen in a month or two if they had the willpower.