Comments from rugzee12

Showing 2 comments

rugzee12 commented about Halfield Theatre on Feb 22, 2007 at 1:50 am

Thanks for answering John. I still take a ride through the neighborhood every now and then, not much left. There is 1 house standing on my old block at 55th and Lowe. I’m also trying to find photos of the Burns or Byrnes building which was located at 5500 S. Halsted. I believe right on the same corner was a Callas restaurant. That apartment building was big, there has to be a photo of that building somewhere. I’ll just keep trying. Thanks Again!

rugzee12 commented about Halfield Theatre on Feb 13, 2007 at 2:31 am

I have been trying to find photos of the Halfield and the Commonwealth Edison Company located at 5515 S. Lowe Ave.Any help would be appreciated. Thanks