Comments from rosiep

Showing 3 comments

rosiep commented about Dunbar Theatre on Jan 12, 2012 at 6:25 am

Here’s a nice article about the Dunbar Theatre from DunbarLife Magazine: “The Dunbar Theatre: A Vancouver Treasure”

rosiep commented about Hollywood Theatre on Jan 12, 2012 at 6:22 am

Jason’s link is no longer active for the article in the Vancouver Sun (“Curtain closes a last time at Hollywood Theatre”), but here’s a functioning link:

Also, here’s a nice blog post about the Hollywood: “The Hollywood Theatre: Gone But Beloved By Many”)

I used to enjoy going to their cheap double features on Tuesday nights with a group of friends, one of whom used to drive back up from Bellingham (> 1 hour away) to join us. It was that great of a destination.

rosiep commented about Palace Theater on Jan 12, 2012 at 6:20 am

Here’s another link to a photo of the Palace, in “near-derelict state” in February 1986.