Comments from Rogersparkgal

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Rogersparkgal commented about Nortown Theater on Oct 21, 2007 at 11:34 pm

I am a lot younger than most of the people posting here, but I wanted to chime in. The last movie I saw at Nortown was “War of the Roses” (1989/90), a film far too adult in nature for my 8 year old self at the time. I have fond memories of this theatre. What little I can remember. I loved the staircase and all the ornamentation. I remember it was always pretty empty. I loved looking up at all the stars on the ceiling. I would just get lost in the atmosphere on the place. I wish I could have seen it before it was split up into three screens. I remember upstairs there was one of those old-fashioned scales. It might have been the kind that gives you a fortune with your weight. There was also video games, but I can’t remember on what level. I lived just a block or two away and it was such a convenient option. My best friend of over 20 years used to see flicks with me there, so it reminds me of a different time in my life with her.

Now as an adult, I would drive by and soak in her beauty each time I passed knowing one day it would be gone. That day has come and it’s heartbreaking. Thank you Urban Remains for posting some affordable pieces for purchase. I am so happy I have a piece of her now that she no longer stands. It’s like a piece of my childhood.