Comments from rockstarwwe

Showing 3 comments

rockstarwwe commented about Lewiston, Maine "Empire" to be Demolished on Oct 26, 2006 at 3:14 pm

here’s a few picture’s I found and one i took is what’s left of the Empire theater View link

rockstarwwe commented about Lewiston, Maine "Empire" to be Demolished on Oct 21, 2006 at 1:30 pm

I can not beleave they tore it down with all the history the empire theater has and it’s on the historical site list too!I wounder if it was tore down because it was'nt safe?Or it’s because no one cared about it any more?I got some old pictures and a picture of whats left.It’s just a emty lot now.I will post them soon.

rockstarwwe commented about Lewiston, Maine "Empire" to be Demolished on Oct 21, 2006 at 1:20 pm

I have been to the Empire theater.My Mother use to bring me there when i was a kid in the mid 70s.I remember seeing scary movies there.It was very dark in there.But i remember looking around the theater it was an old style theater.When i was there as a little boy i new when i was looking around that there was a lot of history in there.And i remember the long line of people waiting to get in to see a movie.times have change for our entertainment.In the late 70s& 80s when cable TV came to lewiston entertainment was watch at home.