Comments from robertlasala

Showing 4 comments

robertlasala commented about Fairmount Theatre on Dec 17, 2009 at 8:29 pm

To Ron Salters: you’re right, Who ever Everett was, back in the day he was somebody prominent. We’ve got an Everett street,again back in the day an Everett School,an Everett building. The square is now called Logan. Current owners have had big plans to restore this theater. God bless them for hanging on. The best years of my movie life were in this theater.

robertlasala commented about Hyde Park Theatre on Dec 17, 2009 at 7:57 pm

I too have a copy of the MGM Theare Report. When and why did it close? Why did the Fairmount survive? I first moved to Hyde Park in 1965. To my knowledge the Hyde Park Theatre was already gone. As of today all that’s left is an alley way.

robertlasala commented about Fairmount Theatre on Dec 15, 2009 at 5:23 pm

Ron: Not sure of exact date we closed down, will do some research. I have a ton of stuff relating to that theater. I just assumed you were from the Hyde Park area. The Fairmount Bridge closed for repairs for a year or so and that cut off traffic to that end of Fairmount Ave.

robertlasala commented about Fairmount Theatre on Dec 15, 2009 at 8:34 am

Just found this site by mistake…It’s funny I just dusted off my reel to reel and listened to one of many rock concerts I recorded at the Pixie, the first was September of 1978. I first started working there in the mid 70’s, by 79 I was the manager and then the whole building got sold. New owner had no experience running a theater. Myself and the projectionist took the theater over (premier performance) We did live shows with Riverside. A labor of love, with friends and family helping out. No money for salaries and the landlord even waived the rent to keep it open. Couldn’t make ends meet and then the bridge closed…It was over then.