Comments from robbieitis58

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robbieitis58 commented about Avon Theatre on May 17, 2016 at 2:14 pm

I used to go here all the time. the bill was double features and it cost around .25 cents. there was a lady selling peanuts here. I remember the front of the theatre with its half moon marquee and the lobby cards about six on each side. the now playing movies and the coming attractions posted. there was a concession stand and then an alley then the main theatre previously called the band box. they played music and then the darkened theatre. curtains opened then you could see a cartoon newsreel and coming attractions movies showed from 11;00 till 11'00 at night. you could sometimes hear the trashmen emptiying the dumpsters behind the theatre. the ambiance was incredible. thosr were the closed in 1970.

robbieitis58 commented about Trustees Theater on Jan 21, 2016 at 12:20 pm

I remember this theatre across from levy’s department store adjacent to the f.w. Woolworth store and the avon and lucas on the same block. I remember the posters I think there were four or five. I can remember them showing Geronimo lady and the tramp it happened at the world’s fair the interns and help. I remember a giant poster of kitten with a whip down a little bit on the outside. I saw Dracula has risen from the grave and they had a coffin out front. later they featured Blaxploitation and kung fu movies. the box office was in a booth in the front and the concession stand inside. smell that popcorn ah memories.

robbieitis58 commented about Lucas Theatre for the Arts on Jan 21, 2016 at 12:07 pm

I love the lucas. I saw viva las vegas there as well as a shot in the dark. your cheating heart and in harm’s way. I fell asleep one night in the lucas. I was around 6 years of age.iwoke up and before you know it I was locked in. it was around three in the morning. I banged on the doors and someone heard me and called the manager to let me out. a policeman took me home. I also saw live a little love a little. the sound and music of Elvis has stayed with me. I love the Savannah theatres of the 60’s and they were like awesome to this little boy. I wold beg for quarters to go see movies at this time. God bless Savannah and the lucas.

robbieitis58 commented about Avon Theatre on Jan 21, 2016 at 11:54 am

I was born in savannah,ga. I would go to the movies as a child. I was fascinated with the downtown theatres. I remember the Avon featuring double features. I saw lassie there as well as Hercules point blank road to Nashville and night of the living dead. I would walk through the concession area out to the alley and to the main theatre. the auditorium was beautiful. I also remember the posters three to a side. as well as the lobby cards at top and at the front. coming attractions were advertised on mini billboards. you would hear music like if you knew Susie. then the screen would light up the curtains would open and you saw a cartoon coming attractions and the movies. I saw a lady out front selling peanuts. Avon may you always live in our memories.