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Comments from rlgoldst

Showing 2 comments

rlgoldst commented about Irving Theatre on Dec 24, 2004 at 8:16 pm

My friends and I went to Saturday matinees at the Irving at least twice a month. Admission was a quarter, ice cream bars a dime. One Saturday we were disappointed that “Hunchback of Notre Dame” with Charles Laughton wasn’t a football story. … I thought the Irving was torn down when the Expressway was built in the late ‘50s.

rlgoldst commented about Mayfair Theatre on Dec 24, 2004 at 7:59 am

Prior to its renovation as The Mayfair, The Majestic hosted the Westside’s rowdiest group of teens and pre-teens for Saturday matinees during the late ‘50s and early '60s. Particularly when horror films were screened, flattened popcorn boxes filled the air, and soda pop and other liquids fell from the balcony onto the unfortunates seated below. The place had a dumpy, raunchy feel, and was considered inferior to the Criterion, Fox Venice, Picwood, Culver, even lower than the Meralta, Palms, or Bundy. I remember The Majestic with fondness.