Comments from RichardDunnSA

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RichardDunnSA commented about Metropolitan Opera House on May 22, 2007 at 2:27 am

My dad was a Voice of Healing Evangelist and I spent a part of my childhood roaming the cooridors of this great building when I wasn’t in church. We often stayed in the apartment on the top floor of the MET. A night I would sit in the upper balcony looking over the vaste auditorium. Mahalia Jackson sang for my dad’s meeting and we met other men who shared their ministry in the city.

Though it was built for theatrical and operatic performance, It was a place where many people came broken and lonely and found an exciting spirited worship service, with a challenging message of Christ’s love for the fallen and broken. A lot of good came out of those services. Personally, I saw the power of God demonstrated, for others it was a new spiritual beginning. One Baptist Deacon, Dr. Benjamin Smith came one night and felt called to start a church in North Philly, It became The Deliverance Evagelistic Church starting with 62 people growing to more than 5,000. My dad helped start that church as well. Thanks for putting this info out there. Blessings,
