Comments from Richard4630

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Richard4630 commented about Hoyts Esquire Theatre on Jun 27, 2009 at 3:11 am

The Esquire was a 70mm house and when i worked there they had just finished a 3 to 4 year run of the sound of music it also showed films like the graduate, tora, MASH, the lion in winter 70mm wit a mono track spread over the 5 stage channels. The Projectors were Phillips DP70 with ashcraft lamphouse using 13.6mm black carbons and drawing 135 amps the seating cap was around 1800 in those days, but did have a larger seating cap before then. it was the only cinema that i knew of that had a spre screen rolled up and sat next to the stage. it was supposed to be used for a special show but never got used. she was a fantasict of cinema. shame coles got there hands on it