Comments from ReverendDan

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ReverendDan commented about Plaza Theatre on Jun 6, 2008 at 5:51 am

Thank you for the info on my neighborhood theater! “Help” was the first film I saw there at the age of six. The Plaza was also where I saw my first Midnight Movie: I think it was 1974 or 1975, and the line up included a few Betty Boop cartoons, a ton of Beatle films and “Reefer Madness.” I had just gotten into Jr. High. I went with my friend Rich and I had to take along my ten year old sister. We had a great time! I remember when Tora Tora Tora was there, but the film that lasted there the longest had to be “MASH.” This was the place where I saw all those Sunn International documentaries, like “Chariots of the Gods”, “The Bermuda Triangle” and I think there was even one about Bigfoot.