Comments from redojai

Showing 2 comments

redojai commented about Harrison Cinema on Jul 7, 2014 at 10:32 am

To the relative of Sam Cornish: I am doing research on the Ojai Playhouse (Ojai Theatre in Ojai, CA) and your great uncle leased the theater in our town beginning in 1958. I’m still doing the research so I don’t know how long he stayed. He was already quite old when he came here.

redojai commented about Ojai Playhouse on Jan 12, 2014 at 1:27 pm

The Hartleys had an option to buy on the Ojai Theatre and chose not to. In 2010 the theater reverted to Khaled Ad-Awar and he returned the name of the theater to the Ojai Playhouse. In 2012, Mr. Al-Awar purchased a digital projector, an investment in the community that will ensure the screening of movies for many decades to come. E.DePuydt