Comments from rc8461

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rc8461 commented about Celebrating the Original STAR WARS on its 35th Anniversary on Jun 22, 2012 at 1:56 am

Thank you so much. I was looking through different search quires for hrs. Wow, it really smashes my childhood memories, I would have bet the bank it was a Wednesday and May 25th opening. I just couldn’t figure out why everyone was out of school. It’s makes me wonder how precise my other childhood memories are : ) I was 15 and that day is a day of many moving moments that going to see Star Wars was the catalyst . I will try and share that day sometime soon.

rc8461 commented about Celebrating the Original STAR WARS on its 35th Anniversary on Jun 20, 2012 at 9:55 pm

I am desperately trying to find the date Star Wars opened in Fresno Calif in 1977