Comments from RayJordan

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RayJordan commented about Alameda Theatre on May 4, 2007 at 6:39 am

Greetings to the people of Alameda from Ray Jordan, former co-owner and operator of the dance club in the lobby of the old Alameda Theater, known as the “Twilight Zone” on Friday and Saturday for young people and Big Band Swing on Sunday for us older folks. This old Art Deco building holds a lot of special memories for many of us. I know it does for me. On “” there are countless messages from former patrons, now in their 30s and 40s, reminiscing about the “good old days” (LOL) at the Twilight Zone twenty years ago.

In the mid-80’s there was much talk about tearing down the old theater. A group called the “Friends of the Alameda Theater”, through their strenuous efforts, kept it from being turned into a pile of rubble. Had it not been for them, there would be NO discussion about a MegaPlex theater today. Count your blessings.

We left the Bay Area in 2000 to become full-time RVers and world travelers. For the past year or so our latest adventure has been renovating a 26 room mansion built in 1837, transforming it into a Bed and Breakfast ( in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. Most of the 665 people in this tiny town appreciate us breathing life back into this old relic, though there are probably a few who don’t. Oh well. If Bill Gates were to announce that he was giving every person in Alameda a million dollars, you can bet someone would form a small group to oppose his generosity. Go figure…

Our plans are to get back to full-time RVing in the near future. We look forward to visiting old friends and family in Alameda, as well as seeing the progress and changes in the Alameda Theater. We’d love to be there for the Grand Opening.

We understand that, since we left the Bay Area, there have been major changes, such as the second bridge to Vallejo as well as a second bridge being constructed to Treasure Island. This is called PROGRESS. We all need to get used to it, and life goes on.