Comments from rangerxlt

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rangerxlt commented about Peso Drive-In on Jan 12, 2016 at 3:35 pm

I too watched movies from the roof of the home I grew up in. Phoenix was a great place to live in the 70’s. My friends and I also would sneak into Acres Drive-in through a opening we made in the fence. We would sit next to cars parked for the movie and enjoyed the show.I remember watching The Posieden Adventure Whiteline Fever just to name a few. During the summer break we would actually climb up into the movie screen to the top and catch pigeons. Very dangerous it had to be over 100 feet high. But when your a kid it was an adventure. I also remembering eating popcorn the snack bar would put out after the shows. We had a blast.. Good Times….Larry AKA Bighead in 1974