Comments from randoben

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randoben commented about Cinema Theatre on Jan 12, 2016 at 2:51 am

I grew up in Beaver Falls. I went to the Godfather at the Regent/Cinema. I don’t recall what it was called when the Godfather played. I know there was a long line. I remember the old Granada and Rialto. The Granada had kids movies on Saturday afternoons and the Rialto was at the lower end of Beaver Falls and had classier movies. Beaver Falls basically died as a vibrant community in the late 1960s. Outside of the borough of Beaver and some wealth townships, the county is like a third world nation beset by poverty, lack of economic opportunity, and crime way out of proportion to its size. I really cry when I go back to see what happened to this once wonderful place. Maybe it will come back, but it will take time and desire by people who care and who have the financial resources to make it rebound. When I tell my son what it was like 60 years ago I wonder if he thinks I am crazy. Like Camelont there once was a magical place called Beaver Falls, Pa. Now it is only a dream.