Comments from RalphHeid

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RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Aug 22, 2006 at 7:37 pm

Why are you ignoring me….?

Ralph Heid (Mister Ralph)

RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Aug 22, 2006 at 3:41 pm

One more try….
As a child prodigy, I appeared at the Roxy 1957.
It would be great to find someone who can remember me, so we could talk about “the good old days”. My name is Ralph Heid and they called me “Mister Ralph”. I played the xylophone. (I still do and work a lot on cruise ships at the moment).
Anybody around who remembers? The films were “The Girl Can’t Help It”, “Heaven Know Mr. Allison” and “Anastasia”. I was in the recue shows on the ice-stage.
Please answer…. :–)
Ralph Heid (Mister Ralph)

RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Jan 20, 2006 at 7:18 pm

Are you the “Bob Furmanek” who works in Film?
Are you related to Abbott and Costello and etc. ?

I can’t remember when (Somewhere between 1954 and 1957), I appeared togehter with Abbott and “his” chimp.

If you want, we could stay in contact?

My email address:

Best regards
Ralph Heid

RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Jan 20, 2006 at 6:46 pm

Mr. Furmanek?

Please answer.

regards Ralph Heid

RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Jan 20, 2006 at 6:10 pm

Hello Bob Furmanek
My first question: do you know me? How do you know about “The Hurricane on the Xylophone”?
Yes, I am still “going strong” and I still use this Logo.

-What can you tell us about appearing in a stage show at the celebrated Roxy?
I guess it was one of my greatest times in showbusiness. As much as I remember (I was 10), I got pulled out on ice by some Roxyettes, standing with my xylophon on a big platform which looked like a heart. I did'n only want to make my act as an xylophonist, but I also wanted to be on stage on other occations, because I wanted to iceskate. One of the dancers EMANUEL DEL TORO went to town with me to buy some skates and we went to the rockefeller plaza to learn. It only needed 2 or 3 days and I was very secure on he skates. So finally the director Mr. Rothaffel permitted me to be a few minutes in a gypsy-scene, where the were some “gypsys” dancing and I had the pleasure to be on ice with them. I also got a specia permission from New Yorks mayor, because I was actually to young to appeare on stage for such a long time in the US.

-What were the backstage areas like, and were they still well maintained at this late stage in the theaters history?
As a child you see things different and you also remember them different. But for me it was one of the most impressing backstage “life” I had in all my time as an entertainer. I will never forget our dressingroom! It was huge and resembled a smaller Hotel-Suite. Yes, it was old! even the elektricity was old, I think you called it AC! I remember, because once we brought our portable TV set but it just broke down because of that. But it still was very nice for those days. There was even a bed in the dressingroom and a personal shower and toilet.

-How many shows did you do a day, and what occupied your time while the feature was playing?
There were 4 shows a day and sundays (maybe also saturdays, I can’t remember), there were 5 shows.
I know, everyone would say: “what poor child”, but that’s not true. I loved what I was doing and my act only about 10 minutes. he other minutes I was on skates with the gypsys, I really wanted that. Nobody could stop me. I allways was a stage person and I still am.
Between the show, when the feature-film was running, I either went out with my parents to eat, or I had a little nap in the dressingroom, or I played with the Roxyettes in the rehearsal-room, or I went adventures thru the whole theatre from up to down and side to side. sometimes I went on stage in front of the screen (the audience did'nt see me….. I think) to watch the film wich was very big so close. And if I wanted to go in the theatre to watch the film, there were allway two bodygards taking care, that nothing bad would happen to me.
We stayed at the BELVEDERE HOTEL on 48th street.

There’s much more to tell you, but hopefully I answered your questions with this.

I like to hear from you again and I like to know, if you know me?

Best regards from Switzerland
Ralph Heid

RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Jan 20, 2006 at 4:44 pm

I know, you are in middle of a discussion, but still I would like to find someone who can remember the little guy MISTER RALPH (that’s me) who playes the xylophone and appeared in the ROXY 1956/57 in a show called SPOTLIGHT 1957 and the film was either “THE GIRL CAN’T HELP IT” or “HEAVEN KNOWS, MR. ALLISON”.
It would be so nice to talk about old times.
Ralph Heid (Mister Ralph)

RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Nov 23, 2005 at 5:36 am

Ron: the movies were: ANASTASIA with Yul Brynner, THE GIRL CAN’T HELP IT with Jane Mansfield and HEAVEN KNOWS MR. ALLISON with Robert Mitchum.
Maybe you hae seen me on TV? I also appeared on the ED SULLIVAN SHOW, BIG TOP CIRCUS and MICKEY MOUSE CLUB. You can look into my webside: maybe you remember then.

RalphHeid commented about Roxy Theatre on Nov 22, 2005 at 2:33 pm

Would you believe, that I appeared in the ROXY 1957?
Yes I did! Ich was a chlid prodigy, playing the xylophone. (I’m not a child prodigy anymore, but I still play the xylophone).
What a great theatre that was.
I wonder if anyone remembers those days? and maybe even remembers me?
Please let me know.
Best regards from Switzerland

Ralph Heid
(Mister Ralph)