Comments from Radroz

Showing 6 comments

Radroz commented about Martin Theatre on Jun 2, 2008 at 11:18 pm

Wow… those rocking chairs were a bane to anyone who worked there, especially since they fell apart all the time! I spent about six months in this theatre as manager – was glad to move on.

Radroz commented about Martin Triple Theatre on Jun 2, 2008 at 11:12 pm

I was manager here from 1992-1994. It was a great time for everyone, and I’ll never forget the sold-out crowds to – of all things – The Beverly Hillbillies!

We had a great staff, and a lot of good times. I’m sorry to see it close, but it was pretty run-down even then. Of course, there wasn’t a lot I could do about it. Gotta love Carmike.

Radroz commented about Belle Meade Theatre on Jun 2, 2008 at 11:09 pm

A little bit of trivia: The 70mm projector from the Belle Meade was later transferred (along with its sound system) to the now-defunct Carmike 6 in Harding Mall when Belle Meade closed.

The Belle Meade was a stunning theatre, and I remember gazing for quite some time at the marble blocks of autographs – from people like Ronald Reagan to C3PO.

Radroz commented about Carmike 8 on Jun 2, 2008 at 11:05 pm

This theatre is now closed. It’s too bad, too, because I have a lot of fond memories of this theatre as a child. And yes, this shouldn’t be confused with the Martin 4, which is now a church.

Radroz commented about Bell Forge 10 Cinema on Jun 2, 2008 at 11:02 pm

Ah, Bell Forge. I was an assistant manager in 1989-1990, and we went through a year of remodeling while the theatre was OPEN to add the fancy marble floors and neon. Oh, what an experience. Glad to see the old girl is still chugging along!

Radroz commented about Brentwood Plaza Theater on Jun 2, 2008 at 10:59 pm

Actually, the theatre did only have three screens. Even though it closed back in 1992, it still holds a place in my heart – long after I left Carmike and the theatre exhibition industry.

When the theatre closed, I briefly met with Christ Clark and asked him about the theatre. He did indeed build it, and he said that he “put a lot of sweat and blood into that place” and was sorry to see it close.

Oh, the stories I could tell about that stage….