Comments from Rabajohn

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Rabajohn commented about Napoleon Theatre on Oct 22, 2011 at 10:12 am

I just remembered, I saw “Thunderball” the James Bond 007 movie with Sean Connery there, in 1965. The sharks in the pool thing really was scary back then for an 8 year old like me.

Rabajohn commented about Napoleon Theatre on Aug 30, 2011 at 2:46 pm

Oh! I almost forgot. I saw “Robinson Crusoe on Mars” at the Napoleon, also. Cool movie.

Rabajohn commented about Napoleon Theatre on Aug 30, 2011 at 1:34 pm

Wow, finally found some info on the old Napoleon! Me & my two other brothers used to go there all the time in the mid sixties. I remember only seeing the following: “Born Free”, “Flipper”, “Jack the Giant Killer”, “Queen of Blood” & 2 Herschell Gordon Lewis directed films, “Gruesome Twosome” & “Something Wierd”. I sure wish it would have still been there a couple of months ago when me & my wife visited my old stomping grounds. Had not been there in 45 years. I miss it but still have some fun memories. Thanks for letting me share!