Comments from qwert

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qwert commented about Winter Garden Theater on Nov 4, 2009 at 1:33 am

my father deane emley managed the winter garden theater in late 40’s…….my mother worked at woolworths at end of street….i can remember the church bells sounding out the hours at top of hill… younger brother was born in jamestown hosptial… deane graduated from J.H.S (the red and green) in 1937 i have his yearbook….. i knew the manager of palace theater but name escapes me now….i went to charles street school which is closed …………deane was transfered to olean ny in 1950 to manage the “haven” and “state” theaters which are gone now……i believe winter garden was owned by warner bros and palace by dipsons……..we lived in house on corner of pershing ave which still looks same…. warner bros wanted to transfer him again but he refused, stayed in olean…..regards, richard emley