Comments from QueenTee

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QueenTee commented about Loew's Paradise Theatre on Aug 7, 2006 at 9:28 am

FOUND MY LOST LOVE AT THE PARADISE: I met a man who repeately asked me out, but I declined each time. One Saturday he called and asked me to join him for a movie and allow him to change my preception about him. I agreed. We went to the Paradise Theater to see Buglar, starring Whoopie Goldberg. Once we entered the theater, I noticed a gentelman that looked familar, Lorenzo P. We dated a few years before, but never took it to the next level because we both had significant others. Lorenzo greeted us, and my date stepped away to give us some privacy. (MISTAKE #1) Lorenzo and I quickly caught up with each other status (both single) and he asked to visit me the next day. I agreed and offered my number but he refused, stating that he did not need it because there would be no excuses for him not to see me the next day, just give me your address and I’ll be there. Till this day, I don’t know if it was due to my excitment of seeing him the next day or if the movie was wack, but I had to get out of there and sleep so the day would be over already. Of course I did not decline when my date wanted to leave during the middle of the movie because he was not into it. At my apartment door, I tried to end the date but my date wanted to come in for a drink of water. I let him in and got him the water, he slipped it slowly and tried to get close to me. I was looking for a reason to end the date quickly and he gave it to me when he tried to show me how sexy he was and rubbed up on me.(MISTAKE #2) Goodnite Mr. Nasty! Sleep, Sleep, Sleep. Awake! I was a happy women when Lorenzo showed up at my door the next afternoon. We were inseparable. A few MONTHS later, my date called and I thanked him for the movie and making it possible for me re-connecting with the love of my life. Lorenzo and I were together for many years, but even good things sometime come to an end. I have been to the Paradise several times but of course this was the most memorable. Thanks for reading.