Comments from PopcornFan

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PopcornFan commented about River Oaks Theatre on Feb 16, 2010 at 5:15 am

I finally got around to scanning some pictures I had of Rivers 1 & 4, (or 9 & 10 if that is what you know it by). There are pictures inside the lobby and outside the building. I’m sorry I can’t remember who asked me about the paintings in the driveway, but I did manage to find some of those pictures as well. If you are interested you can find them here: View link

PopcornFan commented about River Oaks Theatre on Nov 17, 2009 at 11:40 pm

I don’t have any memory of “The Blood of Heroes” playing at River Oaks. I even asked a friend of mine if she remembered it since she also worked there until 1999, and she didn’t either. Now all of the movies listed in Eric’s post from 1978, I saw all of those with the exception of Paradise Alley at River Oaks, The Parmount or the Parthenon. My weekends were always spent at the movies. Nowadays I am all about weeknight movies and the midnight shows.

PopcornFan commented about River Oaks Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 3:46 pm

Fred Schiller – You made me laugh with your comment about Cosmo. When he was my DM I very rarely saw him, and when I did he was very nice to me. In fact in 1980 when Emprie Strikes Back came out I worked from Memorial Day to Labor Day without a full day off. Cosmo came in the day after Labor Day and I was walking around coughing my head off, he insisted that I leave and go see a doctor. Turned out I had pneumonia and I ended up in the hospital for 10 days. I don’t remember the name Phil Grant…we did have security come and polygraph everyone once, but I don’t remember that guy’s name.

PopcornFan commented about River Oaks Theatre on Apr 9, 2009 at 11:11 pm

I was one of the managers at 1 & 4 (9 & 10) From 1980 â€" 1983…I loved your story. I had a similar situation years after in 1990 when I went to see Ghost at River Oaks, a few days after my Mom died. I cried like a baby sitting in that theatre.

What is your Grandfather’s name? Chances are I worked with him so I am curious.

I am fairly sure that theatre #4 had 3D. I remember having to go in early when they installed the screen. I think first 3D movie we had was “Coming At Ya” then we also had “House of Wax”.

Looking at some of your posts, it looks like you were at 1 & 4 right before I was. For the life of me I am trying to remember the name of the manager that hired me…Ben sounds right…but it was 29 years ago, so I could be wrong. I do remember my DM was Cosmo Ruli. I was one of many that stood outside that theatre in long lines for Superman and Star Wars

Even though I don’t live in the suburbs anymore, I would love to see the theatre re-opened. There were tons of great times in that building when I was a patron, a manager, and later when I got to take my daughter there. Actually I have many memories of Theatres in the area, the screening room, premieres and the like..Plitt, Cineplex, Meridian, Loews…all of them. I’ve been lucky too, I haven’t had to pay to see a movie since 1979!

PopcornFan commented about River Oaks Theaters 2 & 3 on Apr 8, 2009 at 6:26 pm

From what I remember you are accurate. I grew up in Calumet City and spent lots of time at those theatres. I also managed River Oaks 1&4 for three years. My best friend managed 2&3 for awhile, then went to 5&6 which became 7&8.

PopcornFan commented about River Oaks Theaters 2 & 3 on Apr 8, 2009 at 3:57 pm

CinemarkFan, I am impressed that you have the entire booking list! Did you work at the theatre?