Comments from PolishBear

Showing 2 comments

PolishBear commented about Queens Chapel Drive-In on Nov 8, 2007 at 12:12 pm

My family lived in the Hyattsville area from about 1963 to 1965, when I was a small child, and I remember that the Queens Chapel Drive-In had one of the most EXCELLENT playgrounds down in front of the screen. I remember seeing “Goldfinger” there!

PolishBear commented about Rockville Drive-In on Nov 8, 2007 at 12:01 pm

THE ROCKVILLE DRIVE-IN!!! That was one of the most treasured aspects of my childhood. My family lived in the neighborhood of Montgomery Square (near the intersection of Montrose and Seven Locks), and going to see a movie or two at the Rockville Drive-In was always a big occasion. Dad would pop a big pot of popcorn, dump it in a brown paper grocery bag (usually from Giant), then we’d all pile into the white Oldsmobile stationwagon and go. The first time I saw my favorite movie of all time, “2001: A Space Odyssey,” was at the Rockville Drive-In. It had a terrific playground, plus a great outdoor seating area in front of the concession stand. Such a shame that cool old drive-ins like that are such an endangered species.